
Yesterday we went to a Spanish church. It was a lot  different then the churches back home. It was an amazing experience because even though we didn't know what they were saying we were still worshipping the same God.

Two days ago we went on a prayer walk and it was very eye-opening to see how much other people struggle and how we take things for granted. I really enjoyed the walk it meant a lot to me to see just how religious everyone was and there was an incredible man was so proud of his kids and it was very touching to everyone who was on the walk. The walk definitely helps me to understand how lucky I am.


Two days ago we went on a prayer walk. It was very eye-opening to see people that have so little than we do. It was really fun.  We got to go see the people at the dump and went to church at night It was really fun because of the worship. VBS is really fine as well and I can't can't wait for more to come. 



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